Yesterday marked our first anniversary - and I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed this first year of storytelling. No one ever sets out to write erotic stories. Let alone turn it into a career path.
There are certain stigmas and preconceived notions about writers who work in this art. I can be honest and tell you that I love what I do and I enjoy bringing it all to you, my Darlings. I am so glad you've enjoyed my tales, whether its been about an amnesiac stripper who makes love to her Dream Man or a strait-laced accountant with a sinful alter-ego.
I hope the next year brings more titillation and even wilder characters. To Illicitations <clinking glass>, you make it fun to indulge our wicked side.
Lady Cheena
The Empress of Erotica
Congratulations Lady Cheena on your 1st Anniversary. I look forward to taking more journeys with you on the Fairchild Chronicles and more.