Darlings, I've been gone too long. I know you've been waiting with bated breath for the next installments of Fairchild and other steamy tales. I will make my return soon. Maybe Santa will leave you something warm in your stocking.
With Holiday Wishes,
H.S.H. Lady Cheena
(Her Sensual Highness)
A journal of steamy and sexy stories spun from the wickedly sensual mind of Lady Cheena. Come as she takes you through vivid illustrations of the art of lust and meet the characters who make your every fantasy come true.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Bikini Lines
heat could be seen in the steam of her iced lemonade, sitting on the stump next
to her. The blaze of the afternoon haze drizzled over her taut skin, glazed in
Banana Boat green tea deep tanning lotion. She strummed lazily on a guitar,
serenading the beach as her girlfriends frolicked in the surf on their boards.
Her name was Kailani. The men, tourists and locals alike, sweated her like a
hot tub in thousand degree weather. She had the kind of body that defied the
laws of nature, gravity mostly. There were curves that twisted and turned to
form her. Rich, dark mocha created by the kiss of the sun covered her soft
skin. Kailani was the island girl of Mathias’s dream.
she got back from the mainland, he would watch her day after day hanging with
her friends, laughing and surfing. Unlike the other girls whose coloring was a
mainstay, Kailani had to sun herself, which always left an intricate design of
tan lines on her body; a sort of fleshy connect-the-dots. She was a sight to
the strumming of the guitar stopped, drawing his notice. Kailani had a faraway
look in her eye. With a heavy sigh, she rose from the sand and proceeded to
enter the forest of tall palm trees, following a path. Curious, Mathias
followed. The scent of her tanning lotion and raw essence guided him through
the maze. He could hear her humming over the gurgle of a small waterfall. It
caressed his skin. Through the brush of ferns and leaves, he could see her
unbound milk chocolate hair falling in playful, long layers down her back. She
hadn’t lopped off her hair in the current faux-hawk style the other girls had.
She kept it long and curly. The kind of hair you could wrap around your fingers
in the heat of the moment.
continued to follow her until she came across the babbling lagoon. She was
alone – or so she thought. He stood behind a large palm as she glanced back and
forth. When she assumed the coast was clear, she began to strip away her
clothes. Mathias was mesmerized.
peeled out of her T-shirt and shorts tossing them into a pile, then she slowly
untied her bikini top; the drag of the string falling away to reveal a telltale
sign of her tan. At last came the bikini bottoms, already strained from holding
onto her ample backside. She unlaced the sides and let the material fall away
from her body unveiling the tan there. The contrast of colors was a strangely
arousing combination. She was naked but not, like body paint, only it was her
own design with help from the sun.
entered the cooling pool until it covered up her beauty. Her long, curly hair
was soon swallowed up by the water as she submerged fully. Mathias held his
breath waiting for her to come up. Seconds later, she popped back up in a
burst, tossing her hair back from her face. Her breasts heaved in syncopation
with her gasps. It was like that scene out of the Little Mermaid when Ariel became human, only much hotter. He
watched her wade around in the water for ten long minutes. His dick sat like a
brick in his shorts, longing to touch her, to trace his fingers over those
of watching from the sidelines, he took the bold step to reveal himself. He
inched his way to the embankment’s edge. His eyes were focused on her as she
moved about the pool, basking in the heady smells of the blooming flowers. As he approached, he removed his tank top,
tossing it onto the pile of clothes she’d left behind. He stood watching her,
not sure how to draw her attention without freaking her out.
gonna stand there all day, or do you plan to jump in?”
melodic voice startled him. She knew he was there watching her, yet not annoyed
by his intrusion.
sherry colored eyes turned to him, amused, teasing. They raked over his body
appreciatively taking in his tone and strength. Kailani knew that Mathias
worked on the sugar fields with his dad and brothers. His family made a tidy
profit, which kept them in luxury. She always liked him, but knew his dad would
never approve of her. She didn’t run in their circles. Her family wasn’t rich
enough for his taste, even though her dad did pretty well himself. Mathias
seemed different though.
thought for sure he would’ve tried to step to one of her friends beach side
like his boys had, but he chose to follow her. That had to mean something.
Probably not, she smirked to herself. She pulled her hair to one side to wring
out the excess water. She could tell by the tent in his pants he liked what he
was seeing and could be willing to fulfill her fantasy. She beckoned him
forward with a nod of her head. Mathias quickly shed his shorts and slipped
into the water.
watched as he swam over to her. She had no doubt he was trying to make out her
naked form underneath the water’s glassy surface. He emerged with a gasp,
drawing her closer to his body. The coolness of the lagoon had not weakened his
manhood. By Kai’s observation, he felt stronger. She wrapped her arms about his
neck, locking them together.
for a quick tumble,” she teased, rubbing her chest against his.
ran his hand through her curls, relishing the feel of each strand on his
finger. “No,” he admitted.
sure were quick to toss off them shorts.” Her smile was infectious.
chuckled. “When in Rome…”
a scholar, are we? Must be that fancy schooling.”
one to talk. I heard you just got back from UCLA with honors.”
was thrown. How would he have known that? “Are you checking up on me, Mathias?”
hear a few things.”
was totally curious. “Like what?”
you finished top in your class. You plan to enter the pre-med program in the
fall. And… you’re still single.”
been dishing about me?”
friends to my friends… with a few helpful questions from me.”
I didn’t know better, I swear you have a thing for me.”
drew her up against his body to feel the ridge of his dick against her. “More
than a thing.”
looked at his lush mouth. Pinching her bottom lip between her teeth, she ran
her fingers over his shoulder. Mathias had been asking after her. Something
about that sounded sweet. She hadn’t realized or even noticed. Leaning forward,
she kissed his lips, drawing his tongue into her mouth.
inhaled her. His fingers traced the pattern of her bikini line down to her
butt, kneading the mound possessively. Breaking the kiss, he gently eased her
back until she floated onto the surface of the water. He submerged down till
the water covered his broad shoulders, pulling her legs apart until her apex
was near his face. Her sweet scent drew him in, hardening his body more. He
admired her lovely flower, pink and, by the look of it, freshly waxed. He
noticed a cute little butterfly tattoo and a simple steel hoop surrounding one
side of her labia that made his eyebrow lift.
giggled with a playful shrug. “A drunken dare.”
further hesitation, he drew her puss up for a taste, drinking in the essence
forming there, while Kai tried her hardest to stay above the surface. The
pleasure was so deep she thought she was floating on air. His tongue flicked
over her tiny knot spilling tingles down her body to her brain. She moaned,
gripping the water’s surface.
watched in awe as she enjoyed his mouth play. He had wanted to do this to her
since the first time her had laid on eyes on her. That would’ve been the start
of junior year of high school, seven or so years ago. Thankfully, he had done
some practice to get to this point. Rising up, he drew her back to him. Their
mouths quickly merged together. Kai tasted her dew on his tongue, liking it.
Before she could get drunk off the flavor, she felt his dick probe her
entrance. It was thick, demanding. Spreading her leg wider, she wrapped herself
around him, locking them together.
eased them to the embankment, his mouth never breaking from hers. Despite the
water covering them, he could feel how slick Kai felt against the tip of his
manhood, making him itch for more. Leaning her against the softness of the
earth, he pushed in further, drawing a pleasured groan from his throat. She was
so tight, rich velvet over his dick. He embedded himself there, savoring the
feel. He pulled his mouth away, tracing kisses over her bikini marks until he
latched onto a puckered nipple. Dragging himself slowly from her depths, he
quickly reentered loving the friction between them.
purred in delight, gripping his head against her chest. Hums of delight sang
from her throat as she moved her hips against his rhythm. It had been a while
since she had had some. Now, she was beginning to wonder if those other times
had happened, because Mathias was making this feel like the first. For a
fucking quickie, this had to go down as the best. The way his fingers
manipulate one nipple and his mouth sucked on the other, while his dick
pounded, she swore he had to be the ultimate multi-tasker.
around for me.” He rasped against her ears.
hesitation, Kai swished around, causing waves to splash about, presenting her
rounded backside to him. Mathias gripped her hips, laying kisses along her
spine, before plunging back into her depths. He gritted his teeth against the
intensity. He reached out for her long, curls pulling them to him gently. Kai
found herself strangely aroused by such a possession. It was barbaric and
erotic at the same time, forcing her to arch her back and widen her stance. The
movement pushed him further in, which filled her fully. Her loud moan was his
pummeled her hard yet gently, his balls slapping against her swollen clit given
extra sting with the help of the water. His eyes traced the pattern on her
back, falling on the rise of her butt, then to the juncture where they were
joined. His other hand reached around her hip to touch her pump knot then
strummed it like she had her guitar. Her hums grew louder, words dripping
incoherently from her lips.
he could feel her puss tighten around him, a deep quickening followed as the
first signs of her orgasm gripped him. He could feel her walls ease more
essence over him, cleansing him in her scent. He pushed harder, going for a
double. His own body was begging for a release. He twisted her around, wanting
to watch her tanned breasts bounce to his beat and see her beautiful face. She
obliged him and their eyes locked as his thumb pressed against her little
was so intense, so good. He could feel her tighten around him again, looking
for another release. This time he knew he would be with her on it. Kai screamed
into her second orgasm just as Mathias spilled himself deep within her depths,
recklessly. His heart slammed in his chest, drawing her up against him.
God, Kai. I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I couldn’t…”
laughed, running her hand through his hair, “It’s cool. I’m on the Pill. But
next time, bring some condoms. I don’t make it a habit of letting dudes run up
in me like that.”
looked at her surprised then laughed. She was already thinking of a next time.
He thought he had been the only one. Relaxed, he allowed his fingers to trace
her bikini lines, dreaming of the new pattern the sun would give her.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Raspberry Beret (Ode to Prince, the Artist)
Kevin was watching a fly buzz around the general store. The low hum of its wings kept him hypnotized, steeping him further into his ennui. It seemed he’d done this same task yesterday, only it was a dragonfly. Anyway. The shop was dead. Tuesday mornings were the slowest, but his dad always insisted he be on hand for the locals.
That’s when he heard it: the most melodic laugh. It was
definitely female. Soft, husky. It definitely wasn’t a little girl. His eyes peeped
through the store front. There she stood with some other gals at the gas pump.
She wore a breezy yellow sundress that did its best to clutch on to her
luscious curves. On her head, she wore a jaunty beret. It looked military issue,
but he wasn’t sure there was such a thing as a raspberry beret squad. Maybe it
was once maroon and it got ruined in the wash. Who knows? Who cares? She was
Her long raven curls fell just above her pert little
bottom; a contrast to her rosy skin. Her limbs were long but she was definitely
curvy. As she leaned against the old pick-up truck, he got a better view of her
front half. Her face was heart-shaped with cheeks a shade rosier than the rest
of her skin. Her lips were plump, red, kissable – scratch that, damn near suckable.
Kevin suddenly felt a shift in his jeans and a lump forming in his throat. She
was fiddling with her phone, texting, when one of the other girls handed her
some cash. Sighing, she wandered toward the door.
The sway of her hips kept Kevin enthralled more so than
that dang fly. They moved in a steady motion, a pendulum. Her hair swishing
behind her licked at the top of her bottom. She was half way to the door when
Kevin jolted himself away from the window to his post at the counter, trying to
look inconspicuous. He had to hide this erection she’d caused. Now, safely
ensconced at his post, he sighed in relief, waiting for her arrival. He pulled
up the magazine he had been perusing earlier, pretending disinterest.
Where was she? He asked himself. It seemed like forever
before he heard her step onto the creaky old stoop. That’s when he saw her. Ooh,
he saw her. Her dress was clinging to her every curve and he could make out
what looked like tiny raspberries dotting it. Her creamy legs looked tasty and
strong, dancer like. Thank God for this counter, because his dick just doubled.
She was hotter up close. Even better, he could smell her sweet scent as it
drifted in over the humid breeze. She paused only a second when the ding from
her phone caught her attention. She looked down then back at the girls to
smirk. They must’ve sent her a joke.
She finally got her feet moving toward the counter that
swish of her hips holding his attention. She placed the two twenties on the
scratched wood surface. Kevin looked at her hand. They were delicate and fine.
The long digits flowed effortlessly into the tips of polish-less nails. He
noted the simple tattoo just at the juncture of her wrist, thumb side. It
looked like two raspberries.
He took the two twenties. “You like raspberries, huh?”
“You should know that, you used to tease me something
awful about it,” she retorted.
Kevin was suddenly confused. She knew him? Who was she?
He looked up at her and noted those aquamarine gems she toted for eyes. And it
hit him. Lizzie Green. Shit, he hadn’t seen her since eighth grade. Her family
moved when her dad was called up to the big city for a major project. She was a
homely looking girl back then. Stringing hair, thin as a bean pole, sickly
looking. Hell, if you sneezed, she probably would’ve blown away. He and the
fellas did tease her something bad back in grade school, but it was all in good
fun. Truth be told, Kevin did love them ocean-colored eyes of hers. For a country
boy who didn’t see the beach much, they were a good substitute.
Damn, how the years blessed her?
“You still chasing frogs down by Old Man Johnson’s farm?”
she asked with a flirtatious smile, taking a lollipop from the white container,
checking the flavor.
“Nope, chasing other things now.” He leaned a hand on the
counter while his eyes raked over her body slowly.
She returned a look of her own. “Is that right?” She
popped the candy (raspberry flavored, of course) into her mouth and took a long
suck, causing Kevin’s dick to tick painfully.
Clearing his throat, he tried to regain control. “How
long you in town?”
“Oh, we’ve moved back permanently, or at least my parents
have.” Turning her back, she leaned her ample backside against the counter.
“Your mom and dad still here.”
“Dad is. Mom ran off with the mail man.” Kevin rang up
the gas, not the lollipop.
“That’s too bad.”
“Worked out for my dad. No alimony and a lot of women who
are willing to comfort him.” He laughed. “What are your plans while you’re
“Not sure, but if you got some, I’d sure love to hear
it.” Her eyes turned on his, bedroom like.
“You still like horses?”
“Depends on the breed.” She hoisted her body up onto the
Kevin leaned in closer taking in her flowery scent. She
turned her torso toward him, giving a great view of her large breasts. Kevin’s
fingers itched to touch one. She really did fill out.
She smirked seductively. “My favorite.”
Lizzie quickly scrolled her thumbs across the screen then
tucked the phone back into in her bra. Kevin was envious. He wished he could be
wedged between those mounds and cradled by that soft skin. He let out a long
“Well, I know a place. But I can’t ask you to leave your
“Seems I’ve been abandoned.”
She was looking out the window noting the pick-up was no
longer in the gas bay. Kevin’s mouth hung open in mild surprise then glanced at
Lizzie. Her smile was wicked as she slid off the counter to wander toward an
aisle. He could just make out her beret and the top part of her face as she
made her way down the lane. He could see her eyes perusing the shelf looking
for something specific. Kevin racked his head trying to recall what was down
aisle 6.
Then it dawned on him just as her eyes lit up at the find.
She had found what she wanted and was heading back to the check out. Shaking
the Trojans like a box of doggie snacks, Lizzie said, “Put these on my tab.”
She handed him her credit card, which he absently ran as
he stared dumbfounded at the condoms. Once the transaction had cleared, he
handed her the receipt. She leaned over the counter, giving him a blatant view
of her deep cleavage. Kevin was transfixed as she scrolled her name across the
signature line then returned the slip to him with a wink. Curious, Kevin
glanced down at the receipt and caught his breath.
Written in that cutesy, girlie script, right down to the
heart shaped dotted “I” was the phrase: I’ve
got the harness. You got the stud?
Kevin quickly jumped the counter ran over to the window
to flip the Closed sign. He locked up as well just in case. His dad would kill
him if he left the store unlocked. In fact, he was sure his dad would be
plotting his demise as soon as he realized he was gone, but he needed this
break. Taking her hand, he led her toward the store room, then out the back
door toward his bike. He helped Lizzie on before taking his post in front of
The sun had been pushed behind some clouds and he heard
the distinct sound of thunder in the air, but he ignored that as he kicked up
the engine. A dust cloud was all that was left as he barreled onto the road.
“So, where’s the stable?” she purred in his ear.
“Old Man Johnson abandoned the farm a while back. It’s
quiet enough,” he called over the engine.
Lizzie wrapped her arms about his waist, rubbing her
breasts against him. He could feel the peaks rolling over his backbone, causing
a strange thirst in his mouth. Her perfume was heady and sweet drowning out the
smell of gas from the motorcycle.
“I know you must think me forward, but I’ve had a crush
on you since Ms. Puente’s class,” she whispered huskily in his ear. Her hand
drifted from his stomach to his crotch. Between the vibrations of the seat to
the soft squeeze of her fingers he wasn’t sure how he was keeping his eye on the
“When my parents said they were moving back, I knew I had
to come look ya up.”
“Well, you found me.”
Her fingers wrapped around his sack and gently tugged
causing him to catch his breath. “I sure did.”
Kevin sped up the bike. Old Man Johnson’s farm was coming
in the distance and so was the storm. Lightning flashed across the sky as they
pulled inside the open barn doors and shortly thereafter came the flood. Kevin
pulled the doors closed and shook off the water from his arm as Lizzie was
glancing about the dimly lit barn. Fresh hay still lined the stalls and there
were still some animals in them.
“Some of the neighbors are housing their animals here
while they rebuild,” Kevin explained. “Old Man Johnson was suffering from dementia
and his son had him committed to the old folks’ home.”
“That’s so sad,” Lizzie said, running a hand over the
muzzle of a spotted Pinto. “I remember when you and Jimmy James and Morris Diaz
‘borrowed’ one of his prize hogs, then rode the poor thing through the school
“Yeah. My father tanned my hide good that night and left
me without dinner.”
“But tell me it wasn’t worth it.” She leaned against the
Kevin chuckled. “Worth every stroke.”
Lizzie eyed him seductively, running her lush tongue over
her lips. “That’s kinda how I feel now.”
Without another word, she drew him down for a kiss. Her
mouth folded over his like the purest silk, tinged with the fruity flavor of
the lollipop. It was warm and inviting, pulling him closer and closer until his
body was firmly pressed against hers. Her tongue toyed with his like a snake
charmer with a flute. He was compelled to dance with it. Playfully, she bit
down on his lower lip, tugging and sucking it into her mouth. This girl knew
how to kiss and was making it a damn art form.
Lizzie took out the Trojans from her purse and pulled out
a silver pack. Tearing it open, she sealed her lips over the latex then fell to
her knees while quickly unzipping his jeans. She didn’t need to dig into the
denim too far, since his dick decided to just roll out to meet her waiting
mouth. Kevin gripped the stall tensely, taking in the lush feel of her cool
mouth embracing him with the protection. He could feel her lips roll smoothly
over the veins and flesh of his rod, pulling and push it in a steady rhythm. A euphoric
groan rumbled in his chest, but it was quickly swallowed up by a gasp. Looking
down, Kevin was treated to the sight of Lizzie pleasuring herself.
Her long fingers were hidden under her dress, but he
could still see the circular motion of her hand as she stirred up her lust. Her
moans vibrated over her tongue causing his dick to stiffen more. He watched,
mesmerized by her multi-tasking.
“Fuck,” he whispered in awe.
Lizzie looked up, running her tongue over him like the
lollipop from earlier. “You like?”
Kevin could only manage a nod, fearful his voice would
She dipped her mouth over his dick again and began to
stroke harder, matching the pummel of his hips pump for pump. Kevin was just
reaching the edge, when he pulled out. He wanted to save some for her puss. He
reached down and dragged her up. Lizzie pulled her dress over her head, tossing
it over the stall, just missing the Pinto. She wasn’t wearing any underwear,
naked as a blue jay. Kevin whistled his approval. Yep, she sure hell filled
Her breasts were just the right size - big. Her nipples were
sippable, rose tipped and delectable. Her waist was slender, rounded by her
curvy hips into long legs. Kevin’s breath was stuck in his throat, ragged. He
didn’t think it was possible but he was getting harder the longer he stared at
her naked form. He tore his shirt over his head, revealing his cocoa colored
skin, proving he was no slouch himself. He kept his body in pretty good shape.
With moving boxes from the trucks to the store room, he had to be.
Lizzie’s fingers trailed over the darkened ridges of his
abs, causing them to flex. She wrapped them about the band of his pants and
tugged them down his legs, playfully drawing his dick back into her mouth for a
lustful second. He kicked off his sneakers and the rest of his pants before
pulling her against his firmness. His hands kneaded her juicy booty, slapping
and gripping it possessively. She didn’t seem to mind his gentle roughness. In
fact, she seemed to draw closer to it. Her harmonious moans moved through him,
begging for more.
“Boy, you something else,” he rasped against her ear,
lacing kisses against her neck.
“And more,” she winked arrogantly, wrapping her legs
around his hips.
Within seconds, she drew his engorged staff into her
sweet abyss. She was warm, wet and inviting. It was tight and apparently
gravity had nothing on her. She was riding and grinding against him like a
rodeo star. Kevin was simply holding her hips as she did all the work. If he
wasn’t careful she’d have him busting a nut standing.
Kevin moved toward an empty stall full of soft hay, their
mouths never breaking contact. They rolled into the mound, covering themselves
in the prickly grass. They were warring for dominance, but Kevin won out. He
hooked his arms beneath her knees, locking her to his body and giving him a
great view. He stared down at the juncture between them and was awestruck.
Damn, even her puss made his dick look perfect. She was freshly trimmed with plump
rosy lips wrapped about his pole. He watched mesmerized as he pushed his
manhood in and out of her soaked depths.
Lizzie’s moans rattled through the barn as the rain washed
over the window panes. Every so often, the thunder would join in to the melody.
The pressure was intensify with each stroke, building the steam. Sweat began to
run down Kevin’s forehead, over his chest and down his body. The sweet pressure
of her sugar walls held him captive. Then, he felt the internal quiver of her
body as it swallowed him whole. The vibrations triggered his own orgasm,
forcing a loud grunt from his throat. He was trying to hold back, but it was
too good. Within in seconds of the last stroke, the last drop pulled from his
body, he fell on the hay next to Lizzie into a deep sleep.
Hours later, Kevin woke up to the sound of his cellphone
dinging. He was alone. He noted the sunlight streaming into the barn from the
open door. Where did Lizzie go? The ding of his cellphone drew his notice.
Peeping the messages, he panicked at the first text from his dad inquiring
about where he was, but it wasn’t until the second message that he realized his
goose would be cooked.
Thanks for a good
time, Kevin. I’ll be sure to return the bike. Oh, your clothes are hanging on
the highest branch of Old Man Johnson’s tree. XOXO, Lizzie
Friday, May 25, 2012
Destined: The Encounter released May 21 on Lulu.com
I am so happy to inform you all that my sci-fi romance, Destined: The Encounter has been released on Lulu.com. This has been about 5 years in the making and was one of the first stories I blogged out to the world, when I was still on MySpace (wow!). Now, I've made it accessible to you. I don't know when it will clear over to iBookstore or Nook, but stay tuned.
If you just can't wait, you can click here to get your own copy.
I also am working diligently on the next batch of stories for the blog. Hint: I got one story that is a tribute to a true Artist and another one extolling the virtues of Happy Hour. Again, thanks for enjoying my stories and please always feel free to indulge your wicked side.
Be illicit,
Lady Cheena
I am so happy to inform you all that my sci-fi romance, Destined: The Encounter has been released on Lulu.com. This has been about 5 years in the making and was one of the first stories I blogged out to the world, when I was still on MySpace (wow!). Now, I've made it accessible to you. I don't know when it will clear over to iBookstore or Nook, but stay tuned.
If you just can't wait, you can click here to get your own copy.
I also am working diligently on the next batch of stories for the blog. Hint: I got one story that is a tribute to a true Artist and another one extolling the virtues of Happy Hour. Again, thanks for enjoying my stories and please always feel free to indulge your wicked side.
Be illicit,
Lady Cheena
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
First Anniversary - A Letter from Lady Cheena

Yesterday marked our first anniversary - and I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed this first year of storytelling. No one ever sets out to write erotic stories. Let alone turn it into a career path.
There are certain stigmas and preconceived notions about writers who work in this art. I can be honest and tell you that I love what I do and I enjoy bringing it all to you, my Darlings. I am so glad you've enjoyed my tales, whether its been about an amnesiac stripper who makes love to her Dream Man or a strait-laced accountant with a sinful alter-ego.
I hope the next year brings more titillation and even wilder characters. To Illicitations <clinking glass>, you make it fun to indulge our wicked side.
Lady Cheena
The Empress of Erotica
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Hairdresser
Vixen LaCroix was late for her 2 o’clock press and curl.
She could only imagine the heat she was going to catch from Olivia if she
didn’t show up. The hairdresser was known to get cross with clients who
disturbed the tranquility of her schedule. Clients had been let go for such
crimes. That’s right, Olivia leaves you, you never leave her. Thankful for the
empty space out front of the shop, Vixen parked her Beamer. Jumping out of the
car, she dashed in with her excuses already.
“Olivia, I am so sorry. That crazy client of mine just
would not leave me…” Vixen trailed off noting the silence. Most of the women
were focused on the back area of the shop, where the sinks were. They were
mesmerized by something – or someone.
“What’s going on?” she asked the sister at the desk.
“Olivia got a new ‘dresser today,” the girl with the lime
green contacts whispered.
“What’s so big about that?”
“Child, wait to you see him.”
“Him? Twain let her bring in another dude. There must’ve
been a cat fight.”
“Twain ran off with Raquel’s fiancé.”
“Girl, shh, he coming.”
At the alert, all business resumed. Vixen returned her
eyes to the arch leading to the back and was thrown ten paces when he emerged.
He was gorgeous. Athletically cut in all the right places. Tall like sugar
cane. His rolled up sleeves revealed two Celtic arm bands that looked so hot
against his freshly tanned skin. His fingers were long and strong. His dark
blond hair looked stylishly bedraggled, giving his hazel eyes an even dreamier
look. He could’ve been clipped from an Armani ad in GQ magazine. What the hell
was he doing in Olivia’s salon?
At the moment, he was leading old Lady Watson to his station,
but she was certainly not her usual grumpy self. She looked more like a school
girl as she tried to talk his ear off. He was polite, listening intently,
rubbing her hair dry with a towel. Once the woman was settled into her seat, he
took his post behind her, where the women were treated to a new view. For a
white boy, he had a lil’ booty poking out from beneath them worn-in jeans by the
way the girls sighed and shook their heads. Even Vixen was impressed.
Suddenly, she felt flush and had the urge to fan herself.
Glancing up, she noticed him looking directly at her through the mirror. His
eyes roved over her whole body before settling over her cocoa eyes. His sexy
smile deepened even more. Was he checking
me out?
“Vixen!” a shrill voice called out to her, causing her to
jump from her trance.
Wincing, she turned around to face the petite shop owner with
the killer afro. “Olivia, hey girl– “
“Unh-ah, you twenty minutes late.”
“I know, I know. But I couldn’t get away from Spendzilla.
She practically wanted everything in the boutique. I had to pry this pretty
ensemble from her clutches just… for… you.”
Olivia’s eyes lit upon the violet satin mini caftan. “Is
that the one from India?”
“The very same,” Vixen sing-songed waving the material
before her like a hypnotist. She knew she had the woman as soon as her eyes
touched the outfit.
“I guess I can purify the air a little to forgive this
one transgression. And that’s because your big girl clothes are the shit,”
Olivia gushed. “But you don’t get off completely unscathed. Since I already
started on Loretta, I’m going to have to get someone else.”
“Oh Via, no!”
Did she say Colin?
Suddenly, hot vanilla came strolling over after tucking tittery Old Lady Watson
under the dryer. He was quick with some rollers; that was for sure.
“What can I do for you, queen?” He threw an arm around
Olivia, which made the beautician giggle.
“You too cute. Vixen here needs a wash and style. Now,
Kiera said that was your specialty.”
“Kiera? Kiera Jeans?” Vixen asked intrigued. She knew of
the hairstylist well. Word had it, she was the hairstylist for the Minx
whenever she popped into the ATL.
“Yeah, I apprenticed with her for three years after a
stint doing hair in my mom’s salon.” His eyes roamed her body, causing the heat
to rise.
“Colin has been pressing and curling since he was nine.
And with that slut Twain running off at the worst possible time–“ A loud shriek
halted her next words. “Raquel, now, stop that crying!” Olivia ran off toward
the back to calm her grieving manicurist, leaving Vixen and Colin to get
“So, how can I service you?”
Butt-naked with a
box of Trojans and a free afternoon. “Uh, just a wash and style,” Vixen
said following him to the back.
“Vixen? Now that is an interesting name.” Colin wrapped a
small towel about her neck before draping the black cover over her torso.
“My parents are a bit on the eccentric side.”
“And you own a boutique?”
“Vixen’s. We sell the best in big boned fashion,” she
beamed proudly. “I just inked a deal to be the inclusive carrier for Double D’s
newest collection, Décolletage.”
“My mother loves that line. After six kids, she couldn’t
quite get her figure back, but my daddy doesn’t seem to mind. He pays to make
sure she looks good,” he chuckled. “Maybe I could stop in for a look.”
“Come anytime. I mean, come whenever you… So, you come
from a big family? Wow, six kids.” She was blathering like an idiot.
“Three boys, three girls. A regular ol’ Brady Bunch. We
even had a Tiger when we were growing up.”
“No sir!” she laughed easing back into the sink.
“Yes ma’am.” His fingers began to massage her temples
sensuously, putting her into a relaxed state she had never been in before.
Tingles of rich pleasure rippled down her neck into her body – and he hadn’t
even hit the back of her head yet. Damn, she
sighed to herself. These were some heavenly
digits. As they spread over her scalp, they were hitting spots she hadn’t
realized had any feeling.
She audibly moaned. “I take it you liked that.”
Vixen gasped, opening her eyes after realizing her moan
was not internal. “I… am… so sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. It was compliment,” he smirked, his
hazel eyes capturing hers. “Not many people realize the scalp is a huge
erogenous zone.”
“Really?” Vixen sighed, easing back into the lull. His
fingers began to delve deep into the mass of her raven locks, building up the
lather. That wasn’t the only thing getting built up. With each movement, Vixen
could feel it other places. As he slid his hand down the back of her head, her
clit felt the motion and tingled. Her legs immediately crossed to quell the need.
Then he began to run tiny circles along the sides, which caused her nipples to
coil tightly. She prayed her bra was padded enough to hide the peaks.
She opened her eyes and saw that he was still staring at
her. The heat from his eyes was intensifying all the feelings his fingers were
evoking in her body. He leaned closer allowing his scent to cloud her nose. Shit, he smelled good. She imagined
herself licking him up like an ice cream cone on the hottest summer day. She
took in a breath, but was hard pressed to let it go. Her eyes fell on his pouty
lips, wishing he would wrap those bad boys around her swollen clit right now to
easy off this ache.
“Is that good for you?” he asked, huskily as he poured
clean water over her head. All Vixen could do was nod. The lump in her throat
was making speech impossible. He smiled wickedly, then licked his lips like LL
Cool J. She almost lost her mind. Instead she finally released that exhale she
had been gripping onto. Next was the conditioner. He massaged the creamy lotion
into her scalp, working those digits double time as he hand comb it through her
hair. Vixen’s eyes peered down his shirt and realized he didn’t have a tank on.
She could make out a rosy, pierced nipple on a sturdy, hairless pec. She licked
her lips hungrily wanting to slip it between her teeth and tug. She heard those
gadgets made the area more sensitive to touch and she was dying to find out.
Colin rinsed her head again, waking her from her
dreaming. Once the cream had washed out, he leaned over her to grab a fresh
towel. Easing her up from the sink, he gently ran the cloth over her head.
“C’mon over to my station, sweetie.”
Vixen’s eyes glanced up at the ceiling. Lord, give the strength not to soil that
man’s chair. Colin helped her into the seat and began to pump it up. Their
eyes met over at the mirror and Vixen felt a blush come over her. He began to
comb through the tangles like a pro (with the big tooth comb), then he ran her
hair through with some Argon oil.
“You have really gorgeous hair,” he complimented, parting
it in sections. “You aren’t on that creamy crack, are you?”
“What you know about the creamy crack?”
“I’m a hairdresser, ain’t I?” he teased, making her blush
further. “I know it’s a crock.”
“Speak for yourself, Colin.”
Colin chuckled huskily leaning closer to Vixen’s ear.
“Cora’s mad ‘cause I’ve turned two of her clients off the stuff.”
Vixen giggled. She had never used the stuff, not with her
pro-Black momma touting the virtues of their natural curls. “Well, it is a
business and you cutting into her money.”
“I can’t stand by a business that ruins real beauty.” He
stated firmly as his eyes met hers in the mirror, sending another round of
tingles down her way. “That’s why I loved Kiera’s. She banned relaxer use in
her salon two years ago. Her business doubled within the year with girls
looking to go natural.”
“So besides a good bump and curl, what else do you know –
Colin?” she asked curiously, her eyes roaming his body as his had done earlier.
He smirked wickedly again. “I know a lot. I can twist it,
curl it, press it, weave it, fade it, clip it with nothing but skill.”
“Ok, show me.”
“Whatever you wish – Vixen.” The way he said her name
sent more tingles down her body and she actually squirmed a little.
For the next hour, Vixen watched as Colin did things to
her head that was pure hair seduction. He blew it out with such finesse and
care she could’ve walked out then and there and been good for the runway. But
he didn’t stop there. Oh no, Colin went for the kill and curled her head into a
‘do Beyoncé would’ve paid top dollar for. The way his fingers twirled her locks
reminded her of a lover playing in the folds of beloved. He was completely
fixated on bending her head to his will. And she was looking hot while he did
it. Not just hot; fucking hot. She sat mesmerized by the person staring back at
her. Who is she? Oh, that’s right, it’s me. As he finished up, she glanced around salon
and saw that all the sisters had the same look on their face: Whoa!
“All set, sweetness. Will you come see me again?” he asked
handing her the slip – and his card.
Vixen felt bold. Must
be the hair. She leaned closer, taking one last smell of him and handing over
her card. “Only if you come see me.”
He glanced down at her card and smiled. “I just might.”
Vixen exhaled again before turning to pay the
receptionist. As soon as she walked out the shop, she heard a chorus of shouts.
“Colin, I got next.” “Bitch, you just got here. I got next.” “Do me, Colin!”
Once Vixen was in the safety of her car, she realized
something. What was she thinking making such an invitation like that to a man she
just met? Child, he probably gayer than
Twain. He does sistahs’ hair. She
rested her head against the steering wheel. You
just played yourself stupid. Shaking it off, she rolled out back to the
boutique, hoping to shed her shame.
Her staff held down the afternoon crowd like pros. She
had come back to find some hefty sales on the register, meaning her day was
done and her goals were surpassed. As the sun drifted down into the horizon,
Vixen drew the curtains on her shop. Ever since leaving Olivia’s salon she had
been feeling fiercely sexy and wanted to celebrate. Her body was a mass of
tingles and her mind kept replaying Colin’s sexy smile over and over. Her eyes
caught herself in the mirror. She was looking too good to stay in tonight.
Glancing over at the racks, she decided to pull out a sexy number. That was one
of the perks of owning your own shop.
She put on a slinky little animal print number that
molded to her ferocious curves and paired them with some funky sky-high heels.
Walking out the back, she gave herself the once over in the large store mirror.
While doing so, she had the distinct feeling she was being watched. Glancing
into the mirror’s reflection, she saw Colin standing at the door accentuated by
the street lamp. She whirled around catching her breath.
What’s he doing at
my door? Curiosity pulled her forward. She stood there with the glass
between them staring at him. He looked delectable in a leather riding jacket,
holding his helmet. Her heart raced a mile a second. Swallowing the growing
lump, she unlocked the door.
“Colin? What can I do for you?” she asked, curiously.
“I thought your instructions were explicit enough,” he
smiled. “You’d see me, if I come see you.”
Vixen’s heart skipped and dipped. “Oh, I did say that,
didn’t I?”
His eyes studied her outfit hard. He even blew out a
silent whistle of appreciation. “I guess I’m a little late to ask you for a
moonlight ride.”
“If you give me two seconds, I can make the switch,” she
assured him.
“I don’t want to interrupt your plans.”
“What plans? Hold that thought.” She ran into the back,
throwing off the outfit and slipping on a pair of fitted jeans and a violet
top. She threw on her leather boots and nabbed her leather biker jacket off the
hook. Thankful she had made the purchase last winter. She barreled out of the
back, slowing up to saunter the rest of the way.
“I’m ready.”
Colin turned at the sound of her voice and inhaled
deeply. “Not yet.” He lifted his hand which had a black elastic band around it.
He stepped forward motioning her to turn around. “I can’t let this hair go to
Vixen laughed as he tied her hair into a gorgeous
ponytail. Once he was set, she turned to face him. Their lips were mere inches
from one another. She could smell his breath, laced with the mint from his gum.
She looked up into his hazel eyes and felt like she was going to melt. Without
warning, he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers and it was an instant
spark. It was sweet and gentle. She could now taste the mint and relished it
like it was a good glass of julep. The kiss deepened bringing his velvety
tongue into play. She felt the texture all over her body, right down to her
toes. Vixen wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer.
Colin pulled regretfully away with a heavy sigh. “C’mon,
sweetness. Before the moonlight gets away from us.”
“We could just stay in,” she volunteered.
He chuckled huskily before drawing her against him. “I
want to take you star gazing.”
Taking her hand, he dragged her out of the shop, giving
her a second to lock up for the night. Vixen turned and nearly lost her breath
when she got a look at his ride. It was a classic, custom motorcycle that
looked like a butched up version of the bike in Purple Rain. It was black with
serious chrome details that blinged in the light. There was a large storage bin
in the back holding a picnic basket, blanket and wine. A giggle crossed her
lips as she came forward. She had always fantasized about being Apollonia and
some Prince would come and sweep her away. He better not be taking her to the
sewage plant, she mused. Colin handed her a helmet. Once she was secured, he
helped her onto the bike, then mounted himself. He kicked the ignition on with
a resounding vroom then drove off.
Vixen held onto his waist snuggly while enjoying the
views by the moonlight. His scent kept filling her nostrils drowning out the
smell of gas. They were heading out of the city limits into the country. She
saw signs for the lake and felt her stomach leap. Were they going watch the
stars by the lake? He was definitely kicking the game. Colin drove the bike up
a secluded hill overlooking the lake. The moon was high in the sky illuminating
the shadows romantically.
Parking the bike by a willow tree, he dismounted then helped
her off the bike, allowing her to remove the helmet and take in the view.
Grabbing the large maroon quilt strapped on the bike, he laid it out on the
grass then motion Vixen to relax. He retrieved the hefty picnic basket and
placed it down between them.
“This place is pretty. I bet you take all your special clients
here,” she surmised glancing at him sideways.
Colin snorted, shaking her head. “Hate to burst your
bubble, but most sisters think I’m gay. So, I’m sorry to disappoint you but I
don’t have a Casanova bone in my body. I just know what I like and I don’t
beat around the bush to get it.” He leaned back on the quilt studying the lake
then looked up. “Besides, I wanted to show you this.”
Vixen glanced up and caught her breath. The stars were
twinkling like diamonds on a velvet blanket.
“Oh my. I’ve never gone star gazing before.”
“I used to sit on my Pop-pop’s old Coupe de Ville and
watch shooting stars all the time. There’s supposed to be a bunch tonight.”
“Oh my God, there’s one now!” She pointed up, her voice
laced with excitement and wonder.
“Hope you brought an appetite?” he asked, pulling little
Tupperware containers from the basket. Vixen eyed him with humor. “I had a
client who sold these. She swears by’em.”
“Is that potato salad, homemade mac and cheese, and
chicken tenders?” she asked sliding closer. “Let me guess, you got a client who
owns a restaurant?”
“No. Made these myself,” he beamed taking a scoop of
tater salad to feed her. Vixen took a healthy bite then licked her lips
appreciatively, rolling her eyes from the burst of flavor.
“Colin, you better watch out. You’re jockeying to be a
triple threat.”
“How so?” he asked scooping up some for himself.
“You do hair, you cook and you are one very, very sexy
man,” she boasted leaning in to kiss his lips.
“I’m aiming to be Man of the Year,” he teased, handing
her a glass of wine.
Vixen took a bite of chicken and squealed with pleasure.
It was crispy, juicy and delicious. “How did you do that? These are soooo
“A chef never gives away his secret.” He leaned on his
elbow watching her feast on his meal. She looked beautiful against the
moonlight. Her high cheekbones framed lush, glossy lips, made all the more
tempting as she chewed the tenders. “But I could be persuaded.”
“Really now?” she sighed leaning forward. Her breasts
rolled forward in her tank top drawing his hot hazel eyes down to the décolletage.
“And how can I persuade the information from you.”
“You’re making a good start,” he sighed pulling her over
him to slash her mouth across his.
Fire ignited deep within Vixen sparking her blood. His
lips were doing things to her that hands couldn’t even do. He tasted and teased
all at the same time. He pulled the elastic out of her hair and dug his fingers
into the mass of freshly washed curls. They pressed certain points on her scalp
making her moan deliciously against his mouth. Soon the stars and food were
forgotten as he pulled her jacket over her shoulders, trailing hot kisses along
“Ooo Colin.” Her voice was raspy with need as she felt
his hands mold her booty firmly. Her core pressed hotly against his engorged
shaft. If this is what it felt like with his jeans between them, she could only
imagine when he was naked.
“You are too tempting to resist, Vixen,” he admitted
rolling her onto her back to study her. Her hair spread out on the blanket like
a silk scarf. He admired his work like an artist would his muse. His hand
trailed from the loose lock to her arms pimpled with gooseflesh. “You cold,
“I’m sure you can fix that,” she sighed pulling him back
onto her body. And sure enough, his body fired her blood, staving off the cold
He nuzzled her neck, tasting the sweetness there before
uncovering a stiffened nipple. His lips immediately sought the flesh, twirling
it over his tongue slowly, savoring its flavor on his buds. He relished the
texture, its softness. It was a herald of what was to come. Vixen clutched his
shoulders to steady herself. He shrugged out of his heavy biker jacket tossing
it on the other side of the blanket next to hers. Not once did he break contact
with her skin. He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it right next to the now
growing pile of clothes.
Vixen looked down the lengthy, muscle filled expanse of
back and she thought she’d pass out. Damn,
he has to be working out like crazy to be etched like this. He looked down
at her, breathless, as if he just completed one of those works. There was a
determination in those hazel depths that shook Vixen to the core.
“I have this overwhelming urge to taste you, sweetness,”
he panted, his fingers undoing the buttons of her jeans.
Vixen bit her lips trying to keep a moan from slipping
out. All she could do was nod her head, granting him permission. However, with
the way he was looking at her, she highly doubted he would be denied a taste of
her snatch. Vixen fell back against the blanket, feeling her jeans ease down
her long, curvy legs. He then fingered her lacy black thong, appreciating the
material’s softness. He pulled them down her leg as well, but instead of
tossing them on the pile he pocketed them.
Vixen laughed at the gesture. “Now I’m gonna have to take
something of yours.”
Colin smiled nudging her knees apart preparing to dive
into her pool. “You can have anything you want, but I think you already
snatched something… “
“What’s that?”
“My will to resist.” He dipped his head between her
thighs and took a long sip of her clit. A sigh of pleasure escaped Vixen’s lips
curling into the night air. The feel of his cool lips against her hot puss was
causing more of an ache then quelling it. His tongue laved all around, getting
to know each and every corner of her nethers and beyond. It was like he wanted
to imprint her taste forever on his buds. Vixen felt like her puss was getting
wetter by the second as he continued his oral stroke. It had been a long while
since someone had visited her temple this way. One year, five months and two
days. But who was really counting.
Suddenly, a dam broke inside of her. The steady tension
he was building had shaken the rafters clear of the cobwebs and caused a ripple
through her. Vixen raised her hips bearing into the wave of her first
orgasm. Her head bantered back and forth
on the blanket as she gripped firmly to the blanket. He guided her back down to
earth, but didn’t let her rest too long.
She felt him push her shirt up and over her head. Still
dazed from the first shock, she could just hear the faint, familiar tear of tin
wrapper. She glanced over to see him slide on the condom. Her eyes widened at
the size of his dick. Good God, someone
must’ve had jungle fever in his family to inherit that masterpiece. Dare
she say, it had to be the prettiest penis she had ever seen? Long, definitely
long, but with a mass and hefty that fit its nature. And he most definitely
waxed it bare. Vixen was tempted to grab it and taste it like he had done her,
but her puss was fighting to swallow it first.
Wait your turn,
she felt it throb.
Colin leaned over her gently. He drew closer to her ears,
kissing the lobes softly. “Did you like that?”
She whimpered her affirmation as she wrapped her legs
around his waist. His hand gripped her thigh possessively as he nudged his
member between her depths. Just the tip, then pulled back. Vixen already missed
it. He pushed into her again, this time further, but before she had a chance to
grip it, he backed out again. She growled in frustration. His lips descended on
hers trying to ease it, but there was no substitute for it. She tried to pull
him in, but he had the advantage of being on top. Suddenly, he pushed his dick
all the way to the hilt, causing Vixen to yelp in the most delicious pain she’d
ever felt. He filled her completely. There couldn’t be any more room left, but
she could swear there was more of him.
Her body quivered like it was her first time. He felt so
good and he was far from over. Colin stroked her insides like he was trying to
start a fire. The throb of his dick was hitting every ridge within her puss,
causing a flood of orgasms to trigger like set intervals of dynamite. She tried
her damnedest to grip him, slow his movements, but he was like a race car
piston. He linked her leg over his arm, opening her body up to more of his
drilling. She watched him look down between them, which piqued her own
curiosity. But when she looked down, she thought she’d pass out. Instead
another orgasm hit her.
She watched in sensuous excitement as his dick slid in
and out of her abyss. Her head fell back, unable to watch the sexy scene any
longer, but her imagination ran with it, emblazoning the sight in her mind. She
could feel him, feel it. Colin bit her neck gently, his own grunts falling in
line with her moans. The pressure was so sweet, so sinful. She had lost count
of the orgasms that had trickled and tremored through her. Her throat was
hoarse from the whines. She had no doubts that her passionate screams scared away
every woodland animal within walking distance.
Seconds after her last orgasm, she felt Colin push as far
into her depths as he go; a fierce groan gritting through his teeth before he
collapsed next to her on the blanket. He drew the soft material on them to keep
out the cold and hold her to his warmth. Vixen nestled her head on the pillow
of his chest taking in his manly scent. She giggled drawing his eyes to her.
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m gonna have to see you tomorrow.”
“You done sweated out my ‘do,” she laughed tracing her
fingers over his chest.
Colin’s head fell back in a laugh. “I’ll have to check my
book. How’s your evening look?”
“Open. Very open,” she smiled as she got up on top of him
already feeling his dick lengthen inside of her, ready to please. Her eyes
gazed up at the diamonds in the black sky, seeing a star fall as she rode the
night away with her handsome hairdresser. She’d make sure she was early for her
appointment tomorrow – but not too early.
Friday, March 23, 2012
The Fairchild Chronicles: Island Release
“Destiny, hold on a sec.”
Destiny was getting ready to leave the monthly board
meeting when her brother, Chance, stopped her. She had just given the quarterly
numbers, and everyone had seemed happy that the merger was indeed helping to
keep the finances stable. Already Montgomery Media was experiencing record high
postings. Circulation was on the move and the initial backlash they thought was
on the horizon had been quelled down to a couple of angry letters and phone
calls thanks to the articles in both the Norfolk
Reader and The Monitor.
“What’s the matter, Chance?”
“You,” he stated as he watched the last exec leave the
room. “You haven’t taken any time off.”
Destiny crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at her big
brother. “And?”
“C’mon, Des. You need a break.”
Chance was right. She had been working herself – not to
mention her staff – like crazy. Sadly, it had begun to affect her nights as
well. She had received direct missives from her Toy Soldiers, begging for her
to come and play. The last time she had been to the club had been on Kasim’s
last night in town. He had made sure she had enough memories to last her until
their next visit, but it hadn’t been enough to erase the knowledge that Mr. Drake
had invaded her space and watched her play. Her puss throbbed at the memory.
The man was doing things to her without any true provocation. She thought if
she had dove head first into her work she could stop the rising desire for the
handsome reporter. Destiny sighed acknowledging her brother.
“Ok, ok, Chance. I’ll plan a quickie trip somewhere,” she
assured him before a second thought invaded her mind. “What’s prompted this?”
“What makes you–”
“Come on, Chance. I know better. Fess up.”
“It’s that expose,” Chance sighed.
“I see.” Destined understood. “Wait, what about the
“Have you not read the last two articles? Drake has
refocused his piece on the management of the club. Particularly the mysterious
Fairchild Lets.”
Destiny thought about the last time she had read the
paper and realized her busy schedule had kept her nose out of the paper. “He
mentioned Fairchild?”
“Yes, and I don’t know what you did, but he has alluded
to some shady business she’s connected to; late night meetings with
dignitaries, special boy toys, etc. Four guys, Destiny, really?”
“Alright, alright, I’ll handle it.” She assured Chance
before he started a lecture. Chance was fine with her lifestyle as long as he
didn’t have to hear about it, and Drake refocusing his expose definitely put it
in her big brother’s face.
“When you get back from vacation,” he ordered.
She nodded her head, thinking. I’ll make sure it’s handled before I get back.
“He’s written quite a depiction of you, mistress,” Maggie
Soon confirmed scanning the article. “He indeed mentioned your Toy Soldiers and
Kasim’s visit. How did he know about his visit?”
“Probably the night of Kasim’s arrival. I had a feeling I
was being watched but the tape from that night didn’t show anything. In fact, a
huge segment was missing. What has Jacob said about it?” she asked as she paced
her office floor.
Maggie blushed thankful her boss wasn’t there to
scrutinize her. She knew she couldn’t hide anything from Fairchild. “He hasn’t
mentioned anything to me.”
Fairchild knew she was pushing the line using Maggie’s
blossoming relationship with her bartender to get the info, but this was war. Drake
had invaded her sanctum and now she was set to defend it. His file hadn’t
revealed anything useful. No gambling habit, no drug use, no gangland past. He
was pretty upright on paper. She would need to get something and she’d have to
use her more abnormal means to get it. “Tell Guard to get a hold of the Sith.”
Maggie grew alarmed. “Do you think it’s that serious?”
“Mr. Drake has grown too nosy and is muscling in my
private business. It’s one thing to expose the staff on their terms, but he’s
trying to expose me, which is not on mine. I’m sure Jacob has warned his ass of
the consequences.”
“But, Mistress, the Sith?”
“He’ll get the info I need and make sure Mr. Drake stays
out my business.”
“What if – I look into it?” Maggie offered.
Fairchild paused. She knew her assistant would cave with
the proper motivation. “Maggie, are you willing to wreck something before it
Maggie swallowed. “As long as we can keep it in house.”
“Fine. I’ll be out of town for a few days. I want results
– and answers.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Maggie hung up the phone nibbling on her pouty lip. She
knew Jacob had spliced the tape from the security room and deleted the minutes
Xavier Drake had been in Fairchild’s suite. It was a violation of club policy
to tamper with the security system, but then again Jacob had helped create it.
What was she going to do? With a sigh, she left the office to go find him.
Destiny dropped her phone in her purse and finished packing.
She had decided to take a trip to the family beach house in Kingston, Jamaica.
It was quiet, secluded, and as far as she knew, no one would be there. The
private jet was already waiting for her at the airport. She was actually
looking forward to this get away. When she had told her staff she was taking a
quick jaunt out of town, a collective sigh had run through them, which had
amused her. She would have to make arrangements with her assistant to have
lunch catered while she was away.
Her thoughts went back to the dashing Xavier Drake. What
had he seen that night? Something about him watching her pleasure herself sent another
round of fine tingles down her body. She imagined his gorgeous hazel eyes
following the motion of her hands as she squeezed and fondled her goodie bits.
Had he been aroused? Had he touched himself? More importantly had he recognized
Destiny shook the thought as she made her way down to the
waiting limo. Xavier Drake was becoming too much of a constant in her thoughts.
Hopefully, this trip would alleviate his hold on her.
“What do you mean back off Fairchild?” Xavier exclaimed
into his Bluetooth earpiece as he careened around a corner heading to the airport.
“Fairchild is not finding those articles too cute,
Xavier,” Jacob warned cleaning a glass. “She’s on to you. She already suspects that
jacked tape from the security room was my doing. She’s been on a rampage.”
“Look, I’m trying to draw her out,” Xavier assured him.
“I mean she had a file on me on her nightstand. She’s digging into
my background. It was only fair that I dig into hers.”
“And what have you found?”
“Not a damn thing. It’s like this woman doesn’t exist.”
Xavier turned into the parking garage. “I’ve done searches all over the place
and she’s a ghost.”
“I told you. Fairchild is private. She lets you know what
she wants to let you know,” Jacob warned wiping down the bar. “Look Maggie just
told me to warn you. She may be bringing out the heavy artillery. I may even
have to cop to jacking the tape.”
“You turn snitch, Jacob?”
“No. But Fairchild respects cats who own up to a fucked
up moment of non-clarity,” Jacob waved off. “Just so you know you are on your
own next time. I make too much bank here for you to fuck up my money.”
“A brother understands,” Xavier said as he jumped out his
car, toting his carry-on.
“How long you gonna be in Jamaica?”
“Man, I have been planning this trip for months. It’s
gonna be a cool two weeks in the island sun. I finished the last piece yesterday
and my editor will run the others while I’m away.”
“Oh, thanks. So, I’m gonna have to deal with Her Majesty
while you’re gone?”
“Hey. Them’s the breaks,” Xavier laughed as he strutted
into the airport. “Catch you when I get back.”
The flight down was easygoing. No turbulence. No bad
weather. Once the plane touched down, Henry was there with the limo to pick up
Destiny. She never had to wait for a car when she vacationed in Kingston since
Henry was always on time. She had chosen the large man for his intimidating
demeanor, resourcefulness and special abilities. It also helped that he was
deaf and mute. Henry had lost his hearing in a gang fight, when a rival member
fired a gun too close to his ears. Having not learned his lesson, he had nearly
lost his tongue when a drug dealer had come to collect his profits. Yeah, he
had had it rough in the streets, until Destiny showed up looking for a driver
with weight and discretion.
With his handicaps, he had had no prospects of finding
any real work. Destiny hired him when her other driver had proven to be
unreliable. Henry had proved himself more than reliable when Destiny introduced
him into the world of Fairchild. He rooted out information whenever she needed
it. He handled unsavory characters like a pro. And he turned a blind eye to
Fairchild’s naughty side. For his dedication, Destiny set up a fund for his
daughter and paid for her schooling in one of the more prestigious preps on the
island, for which Henry was grateful for.
As Destiny approached the car, Henry began a series of
signs, which she immediately responded to in kind. They had set up their own
method of communication, certain hand signals only the two of them knew. Henry
also learned how to read lips, which came in handy when Destiny needed it. The two
hugged happily.
Is everything set?
She asked as he took her bags and placed them in the trunk.
Your invitation to
the White Party was received and RSVP’d. The party starts at 8pm. Henry replied.
“Excellent,” she said as she waved him on.
Henry paused for a moment, then signed, Are we here as Ms. Montgomery or Ms. Lets?
He waved his hand in front of his face to describe her alter ego, which always made
her smile.
Widening her wicked smirk, she replied, A little of both.
Xavier was chilling beachside checking out the “scenery”
on the sand. Barely clad woman sauntered passed his towel with friendly smiles
and secret invitations. Oh, yeah, this was going to be a helluva vacation. His
hotel suite was off the chain. All-inclusive. No families. No bratty teens. He
was trying to get naughty and didn’t want to refrain himself because someone’s
child was in the next room. His boy, Carlton, had hooked him up with an invite
to an exclusive, private party at the home of his playboy cousin. From what
Carlton said, the White Party was the hot bed of unbridled passions and even
hotter honeys. Thankfully, Xavier had packed a white suit for just this purpose
– and his condoms.
The evening air brought a balmy breeze over the island,
setting the relaxing tone for the night. Destiny patiently waited for Henry to open
the limo door. She was painted the very picture of neo-sexy as she rocked a
long, flowy, backless jumpsuit in the pre-requisite white the party called for.
She paired the look with light gold sandals, bangles, and chain-link earrings.
Her exposed skin was immaculate in its brownness, shining like silk hot
chocolate. Her hair was bound back in a side bun adorn with simple white
flowers, showing off her gorgeous face.
She knew she looked good. She was sure that Fenton would
definitely approve.
Fenton Loch, the party host, was a good friend of hers –
and Fairchild’s. He was part of an elite group of people who knew about her
dual-identity. That was because Fenton was just as crafty as she was – and had
his own alter ego to hide.
Henry opened the door and lent his hand to Destiny, who
graciously accepted it. Before she mounted the stairs, she gave Henry his
I’ll text you. Make
sure everything is set for tomorrow night. Enjoy the night.
Be safe. Don’t let
Fairchild get you in trouble. He teased as he rounded the vehicle.
Destiny smiled after the driver before mounting the steps
to Fenton’s mansion.
Inside the mansion, the music was bumping and the crowd
was already gyrating. Despite the heat outside, there was cool air inside,
keeping the sweat down to a minimum. Xavier was chilling by the bar with
Carlton and the party’s host. They were checking out the situation on the dance
floor. Women of all shades, shapes and swag were kicking it live. It was like
an old school Puffy video. The ratio of men to women was like one to three. Xavier
liked those odds. However, he was hard pressed to make a decision on whom to
approach. They all looked good.
“Fenton, this party is off the chain,” Carlton boasted in
his thick Jamaica accent as he sipped his Cognac. “Where you find dem girls?”
Fenton laughed, replying in an exaggerated accent. “You
know how me do, cuz’n.”
“I got to say, Fenton, this is a nice crop you got going
here,” Xavier admired.
“These are just the hood rats, my friend. Look around the
perimeter and you will see nothing but the classier set.”
Xavier scanned the outer rim of the room and noted the
beauties standing about talking with their friends or in deep discussion with other
men. Fenton was right. The caliber was definitely higher, which made choosing a
honey to pursue that much harder. Suddenly, his eyes were diverted to the
entrance. Standing there, looking like the queen at court, was none other than Ms.
Destiny Montgomery. She looked stunning in her all white. Fellas were already
peeping the new prey. He was no better. As his eyes roamed over her body, a
distinct pressure pulled in his midsection. It was intense. He should be
feeling more concern that the CFO of the newspaper he worked for was at the
same party as him – in Jamaica.
“Ah, and there she is,” Fenton sighed indicating Destiny,
who waved at him from the other side of the room.
“You know Ms. Montgomery?” Xavier asked, realizing too
late how dumb his question sounded. Of course he knew her, if she was in his
“Destiny and I go way back. How do you know her?” Fenton
eyed the reporter pointedly, waiting for his answer.
“She’s CFO of Montgomery Media. She did the financial
restructure and merger of the newspapers I work for,” Xavier explained. His
eyes came back to Destiny as she made her way through the crowd.
The throng of dancers seemed to part for her, giving her
more than enough room to maneuver to the bar. She hadn’t noticed him yet. It
had been a long while since their last interview. She had sent him a nice note
congratulating him on the piece. Her flowery perfume had accompanied the
missive, which sat pinned on his board. He would pull it down every once and a
while to sniff it. There were many days he wanted to call her to ask her out,
but he’d remember her professionalism and knew it wouldn’t fly.
Destiny waded through the crowd, mouthing a hello to
acquaintances as she moved along. Her eyes met Fenton’s and smiled seductively
then she noticed his companions, one in particular. Surprise registered
immediately then mild annoyance. A frown drew over her brows as she stood
before the awaiting men.
“Mr. Drake.”
“Ms. Montgomery.” Xavier greeted raising his glass.
An awkward silence fell among the group, while the two
stared at each, sizing up the situation. Fenton quickly noted the heat
transferring between them. He recognized the admiration Xavier had bestowed on
Destiny. The man seemed twisted. Most men were when it came to her. She was
every man’s fantasy; beautiful, smart, witty. Destiny was the complete package
– and her naughty alter-ego was even better. Clearing his throat, Fenton eased
the tension by drawing Destiny’s attention to him. Taking her hand, he kissed
it respectfully.
“Beautiful as always, my dear. How was the flight?”
Destiny offered Fenton a gracious smile that hit Xavier
to the core. “The flight was great. No troubles.”
“Are you thirsty?” Fenton asked, his eyes roaming her
Quickly catching his drift, she deepened her smile. “For
one of those cool rum punches? You bet.”
Fenton motioned the bartender to bring the libation.
Destiny’s eyes turned back to Xavier. The earlier fire was now banked away. She
couldn’t understand why she had broken her reserve. The moment she had seen him
standing there looking sexy as all hell, all the anger and annoyance his
articles had invoked had converged. She had to hold her hand back from slapping
him. Then, oddly, she’d felt the heat in her middle when she remembered his
invasion of her suite, his watching her pleasure herself.
“What a coincidence?” Xavier stated.
“Yes. How do you know Fenton?” she asked taking a sip of
the punch.
“We met just tonight. My friend, Carlton, is his cousin,”
he explained, tapping his boy on the shoulder. “Carlton, meet Ms. Destiny
“A pleasure,” Carlton greeted kissing her hand as Fenton
had done.
Destiny laughed. “You definitely are Fenton’s family.”
“Except I’m prettier than that fool,” Carlton teased
gaining Fenton’s ire.
But Fenton’s annoyance was short-lived as he leaned into
Destiny, whispering intimately into her ear, causing her to smile. Xavier observed
the exchange. He watched as Fenton slipped an arm around Destiny’s waist,
pulling her closer. They must know each other real well for him to demonstrate
such possession. But something about it Xavier didn’t like. He felt like
snatching that hand off her and leading her out. But he didn’t want to cause a
scene, especially with one of the higher ups. Xavier tried to sooth his growing
possessiveness by dousing it with Cognac.
She looked so beautiful tonight. Far from the stuffy CFO he
had interviewed weeks ago. He knew that suit was hiding something, but he never
imagined it was this. He cleared his throat to get their attention; actually,
Destiny’s. “Have you kept up with the expose?”
“I’ve been busy, but my assistant has kept me up. I heard
that you have refocused the story.” Destiny tried to keep the edge out of her
“Yes. I thought I should dig into the management of the
club. I mean that scene wouldn’t be accessible if they hadn’t made it so.”
“From what my assistant said, you went hard on the club’s
owner, what’s her name?”
“Fairchild Lets. Well, she’s a bit of a mystery. However,
my sources say she can get anything on anyone.”
Fenton’s ears perked up. That was the bee in her bonnet,
he surmised. The reporter was digging into her world and he knew how much she
hated that. He moved his fingers lightly over her ribcage to ease Destiny’s
tension. He leaned in again to whisper. “He’s sparked you, hasn’t he?”
Destiny bristled, ignoring the comment. “From what Kimmy
says, you make her sound like a mobster.”
“Well, that I don’t know, but she shrouds herself in
mystery and keeps only a few choice individuals in her circle. If someone new
comes in, she does an intense back check.”
“Does that make her a bad person to make sure she’s
surrounded by good people?”
“She’s a club owner, not the financier of a major
Fenton choked on his drink. He felt Destiny tense. “Ah,
Fairchild–“ he bit down on his mistake “– I mean, Destiny. Why don’t we go
dance? Talk shop with Mr. Drake later.”
Destiny glared at Fenton for his slip.
“Fenton, trust me Ms. Montgomery is no Fairchild Lets.”
She turned her eyes on him, furrowing her brows. “What’s
that supposed to mean?”
Xavier was thrown by the heat coming his way. “You’re far
too classy to be put in the same category as Fairchild.”
“Now I’m intrigued, Drake. Why is Fairchild not classy?”
“Well, she has to have some serious issues if she feels
the need to control everything around her, and that whole Dominatrix thing.
Don’t get me started.”
“Would it be different if she was a man?” Destiny
“I don’t follow.”
“If Fairchild was a man and did all these things, would
you have a problem with his dealings?”
“I’d think there would be something wrong with the
brother if he was sporting leather pants and a whip.” Xavier laughed.
“From what I understand, bondage isn’t always about whips
and chains. You even made that reference in your article. It is about control,
but it is a mutual give and take between a Dom and his or her Sub. And what if
Fairchild isn’t a dominatrix?”
Xavier snorted. “Oh, trust me, she fits the mold of a
dom. Right down to her cavalcade of studs.”
“That smacks of jealousy, Drake.” Destiny observed. “Do
you have a problem with her multiple partners?”
“I just think there is something unclassy about a woman
who flaunts her business out on front-street like that.”
“You mean there’s something wrong with a woman being
sexually aware of herself and putting it to practice. Just like a man to be a hypocrite.”
Tired of the conversation, Destiny turned, dragging Fenton with her.
Xavier watched her escape baffled by their exchanged. You’d think I was talking about her.
Destiny dragged Fenton away from the party to his private
den. She needed to cool down like yesterday. Drake had really riled her up. Her
heart was beating like a race horse. Her palms sweated. Her breathing was
ragged. And, strangely, she was aroused
by it. She could feel the pool between her legs; smell the essence in her nose.
He was questioning her, something none of her Toy Soldiers did, except maybe X.
But even he knew his place. Drake was proving to be quite the rebel. She would
love to get five minutes with him to break him. She’d have to contemplate that
when she got back to Norfolk. His file was clean, but he was opposed to her
lifestyle – more like Fairchild’s. But he had watched her that night. Was he a
“He’s under your skin, my dear.” Fenton observed,
breaking into her thoughts. He poured a glass of Hennessey and passed it to
her, then poured one for himself.
“Can you believe the nerve of him?” She fumed gulping the
hot liquid.
“He doesn’t understand people like you and me.” Fenton
ran a hand down her arm. “He doesn’t understand the passions and pleasures that
can be had in our world.”
Destiny began to relax feeling the warmth of Fenton’s hands.
Her eyes shifted toward him, perusing him from head to toe. “Will you show me
how much you understand?”
“What is your wish, mistress?”
“Tonight, I wish to relinquish control.”
“To prove a point?” Fenton smiled. Destiny nodded, before
casting her eyes down meekly. “As you wish.”
“Thank you… Master.”
“Remove your clothes.” His usually jovially tone hardened
to one of authority.
Destiny shed her wrappings quickly. The anticipation of
what he would do was heightening her senses. Fenton was very good at playing
the dominator. They would often switch roles whenever the mood would take them.
He was the only one she allowed such liberties. Fenton pulled off the long
white silk scarf from his neck.
“Turn around.” The faint hint of his Jamaican accent
mixed with the hard edge made her nipples coil. He placed the scarf over her
eyes and tied it firmly behind her head. “What is our safe word?”
Fenton slapped her ass soundly. “Good gal.”
He led her over to the couch. “Now, undress me – with
your mouth.”
“But, Master, my lipstick will ruin – “ before her
protest could leave her lips, he slapped her ass again. “Yes, Master.” The
sting tingled her backside, rippling to other parts of her body. She couldn’t
believe how sensitive she was tonight. It was Xavier’s fault, she reasoned.
She began to work the buttons of his shirt. One by one,
she plucked them from their holes, exposing the dark skin beneath. Fenton was a
specimen of fine flesh. Taut muscles layered in the richest ebony skin this
side of perfection. He worked out religiously to maintain his body. She
remembered how it felt to slap her palms against the rock he called an ass. It
barely flinched. She pulled his suit jacket over his shoulders, then the shirt.
“The pants.” He ordered, sipping his Henney.
Destiny knelt down before him. Her teeth tugged on the
leather belt, which proved difficult. Determined, she tugged hard and was able
to dislodge it from its buckle. Her hands skimmed over his thighs, then reached
up to caress his ample aforementioned ass. Fenton slapped them away.
“No hands.” He scolded. He watched her intently. Her red
lipstick had left its imprint all over his shirt, jacket and now his pants. The
stains were worth the view of his little slave undressing him with nothing more
than her teeth. He had been looking forward to playing slave for her, but after
seeing the ire Xavier Drake had brought her, he knew she needed this more.
Destiny pulled his pants down his legs. He had neglected
to put on any briefs, which made her task easier. Fenton stepped out of his
shoes and allowed the pants to pool on the floor. As she knelt before him, she
could feel the heat of his dick close to her cheeks and the scent of his spice
filling her nose. Her mouth began to water hungrily. Fenton shifted away. She
sensed him walking behind her.
“On all fours.”
Destiny didn’t hesitate to follow the command. Her palms
flattened against the plush carpet while her derriere created an elegant
S-curve to her body. Fenton stood behind her admiring the view of her ass,
exposing the slit of pink. Closing the space between them, Fenton knelt beside
her, his hand running over the curvature of her frame. His large palm rested on
the fullness of her booty, massaging the taut muscle there. He watched as she
licked her lips thirstily.
“Have we been a bad girl?”
She shook her head. It was a lie, of course. Smack!
“Have we been a bad girl?” he repeated, stroking the
“Yes.” She whispered.
Smack! Smack! “That was for the lie and the bad
Destiny arched her back deeper into the sting. She loved
a good spanking. Now, she wasn’t about the chains, but once in a while she
liked to get tied up in silk. How would Mr. Drake feel seeing her this way? Not
as Fairchild but the stuffy Destiny. Would he get hard? Would he join in? Ugh, don’t let him get in your head, she
scolded. Fenton’s hand traveled the canyon of her booty to the slick ravine of
her puss. She heard his groan. Fenton was always turned on by a good pooling.
“Bring your head here,” he instructed. Destiny shifted to
face his body. His scent had deepened and the heat was scorching now. “Put him
in your mouth.”
Destiny sighed. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could’ve
maintained without sucking his dick. She quickly drew in his member, tasting
the richness there. Her mouth immediately accommodated to Fention’s large width
and long length. The tip firmly pressed against her esophagus, tickling the
throat. She had a good control of her gag reflexes, but Fenton would often test
it to its limit – like now. He pumped into her mouth smoothly as his fingers
played over her wet folds. He was drenching his fingers with her own dew, while
enjoying the feel of her mouth over his body. Then suddenly, he dipped a slick
finger into her asshole, making her moan deliciously.
Now, Destiny wasn’t big into anal sex, but she didn’t
mind a little finger play. She particularly didn’t mind Fenton’s slender
fingers playing around there. He felt her hole constrict, trying to push him
out, but he persevered, gently drawing in and out. He watched in the mirror he
had set up the way her puss winked with each intake. She was flowing like a
ruptured volcano. He loved seeing her head bob up and down over him.
“Oh yeah, gal. Drink me,” he encouraged. “Don’t stop
His other hand drew her head closer, holding it in place
as he pumped faster. He could hear the squish of saliva. Her moans grew louder,
adding a vibration to the motion. At the height of the thrusts, he pulled out.
Reaching for his condom, he quickly strapped up. Wiping his hand of her dew and
juices, he pulled Destiny to her feet. Taking a seat in one of the side chairs,
he straddled her over his lap, facing away. Destiny felt like she was floating.
“Bend forward.”
She leaned her body all the way forward until she
teetered toward the ground. Fenton hoisted her round bottom up to accommodate
his dick. There she hovered for several minutes feeling the throbbed of it,
then, without hesitation he dropped her puss over him in a flourish and began a
ruckus drilling. After her first yelp,
he ordered, “No moans.”
“But Master,” she whined against the pleasure. Smack!
She tried desperately to contain her pleasure, but he was
making it so hard. Despite his seated position, she could feel his balls slap
her clit fiercely. Several moans slipped her lips. Smack! Smack! She bit her
tongue, trying to redirect the pleasure. Fenton was definitely making this
worth her wile. Her body was so sensitized and her mind was so frazzled, she
knew she was going to have to pay him in kind. The first pulls of an orgasm
began to pluck at her puss, she couldn’t hold back any longer. Fenton leaned
forward pulling her back against his chest, clutching her throat gently.
“Go on, my pet. Scream!”
Without further provoking, Destiny moaned recklessly,
allowing the sound to resound about the room. His fingers diddled her clit,
bringing about her second and third orgasms. Her legs shook wildly as each
sensation traveled from her core to her extremities.
“Yes, Fenton! God!”
He pushed his mouth against her ear. “Suck me dry, gal.”
Again, with complete obedience, she dismounted from his
lap, bent before him and took his dick into her mouth. Fenton’s head fell back
in surrender as she played her magic over him. Before long, she could feel him
shudder and felt the condom fill with his seed. It was another few minutes
before his breathing came down to normal.
Feeling sated mentally and sexually, Destiny rose from
the floor. She was back in full control again. She removed the blindfold and
stared down at the man. Her demeanor had changed and Fenton recognized it
immediately. In a complete turnaround, Fenton fell to the floor before her.
“Mistress, did I make you feel better?”
Fairchild touched his head, rubbing it like an owner
would a pet. “Hush, my pretty toy. You did very well. Now, momma’s going to
return the favor.”
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