1969 Tennessee
She strolled up the town street like she belonged there. In her hand, she carried a simple light blue suitcase indicating she had just come off the bus that was now prattling down the road. Her long chestnut locks hung down in a wild array of curls, tamed back only with a simple baby blue kerchief. Her skin was the richest caramel he had ever seen, especially for these parts. Her khaki short shorts with matching button down blouse was not leaving much to the imagination of passersby. The heat was leaving a light sheen of perspiration on her brow, but it didn't stay long since she used her lengthy, elegant arm to swipe it away. She wore large white sunglasses that covered a good part of her face, but her pouty, glossy lips were on full display and quite plentiful.
Cooper Crenshaw was simply enthralled. He watched her from his squad car as she peeped into the various windows of the small town. She looked like a movie star. Her body definitely gave Miss Sophia Loren a run for her money. Exotic was the word for her curves. Her graceful and purposeful walk drew many eyes to stare at her; namely, the boys hanging outside the barber shop.
Yep, she definitely wasn't from around these parts. He would've recognized her right off the bat. Girls like her didn't exist around there. Suddenly, his caramel starlet stopped in her tracks. He watched as she glanced about, as if she knew someone was watching her. Then like a scene right out the movies, her gaze fell on him. He could feel the air thicken as well as a certain member of his. He took a deep breath, nudging the base of his palm on it to ease the pressure. However, it wasn't easy since a slow, seductive smile crossed her lips as if she knew her effect on him, sending another jolt to his man parts. Blushing virgin she was not that was for sure. Coop swallowed the lump forming in his throat as she approached his squad car. Her hips created their own rhythm as if Wilson Picket's Mustang Sally was playing just for her to walk to.
She stopped by the side of his car, placing a well manicured hand on the door. She leaned forward, unleashing the scent of a heady, yet sweet perfume and revealing a gorgeous bouquet of cleavage. Coop's eyes quickly gauged their size before meeting her still obscured eyes. They were large and well-rounded, like ripen melons from Old Man Hicks' farm. He tried to swallow the pesky lump again.
"Excuse me, officer, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of Mama Maybelle's?" she asked sweetly in a thick New England accent.
Surprised by her request, Coop answered, "Well, that's just up the way here on the right, but what would you want with Ma Maybelle's? That's a colored coffee shop."
She smiled as if secreting a tease, then removing her sunglasses revealing a stunning pair of hazel brown eyes, she said simply, "I know, she's my aunt."
With that said, she straightened up and strutted away leaving Coop flabbergasted. She was colored? No, not as light skinned as she was. Was she a half and half? Sure, she was more caramel then the other white girls he knew, but still she passed more for white than black. Despite this new information, Coop still found himself enthralled by her. She seemed so worldly and sophisticated, nothing like the other girls in the town, who were giddy over their Beatles records. He glanced around to see other folks watching her. Once they saw her passover the tracks - the colored side -, he recognized the hostility brewing in their eyes. Even though segregation was falling all over the country, some small towns had yet to catch up. Coop was one of the few white officers who regularly patrolled over the tracks. He liked sitting in Ma Maybelle's to listen to the newest Motown joint. However, he knew some folks still got testy when a half-and-half, like his caramel starlet, showed up, messing with their twisted sense of order. Unsure for her safety, Coop jumped out of his car and jogged over to her.
"Hey, wait," he called, after her.
Caramel stopped to wait for him to meet up with her with a furrowed brow. "Is there something wrong, officer?" she asked.
"I thought I'd escort you over to Ma Maybelle's," he offered.
Carmen looked the man up and down. For a white boy, he wasn't bad on the eyes. His dark blond hair shun from beneath his police cap. His eyes were the darkest blue she'd ever seen and his skin was rich like freshly churned vanilla ice cream. He was muscular, tall, too. Taller than earlier believed, when he had been sitting in his squad car checking her out. And he had been checking her out. When she felt his gaze on her earlier, she felt the accompanying heat that had come with it. He'd touched her without even lifting a finger. His very eyes had stroked her from heal to toe and left no surface on touched. She wondered at how she had hidden the slight tremor that had shivered through her. This chemistry had been instant - and dangerous.
She hadn't been sure what kind of white boy she had been dealing with. She felt bad for bursting his bubble with the stark realization she wasn't one of his own. But somehow, she felt it hadn't mattered all that much to him. The funny thing was this wouldn't have been too big a problem if she was up North. It definitely wouldn't have been a problem at all in Paris, where she had spent a good part of winter this year before deciding to look up her aunt. But Southerners, white boys to be exact, liked to fantasize about their caramels and chocolates, but were hard pressed to act on it except in violent manners. At least, she'd heard enough horror stories to know not to rile up one of the good ol' boys.
"I'm sure I'd make it there just fine," she assured him, continuing to walk toward Mama Maybelle's.
"But still, I'd like to," he insisted, taking up step with her. "Sometimes folks can misunderstand..."
"What I am?" she finished with a smile. "My folk can recognize their own."
He blushed at her forwardness - and tease. He glanced down at his shiny shoes before saying, "I guess my folk don't do that well."
Suddenly, a loud booming voice called out, "Carmen? Carmen baby, is that you?!"
They watched a heavy set black woman come jogging out of the coffee shop wearing a red checkered apron and white dress. She was panting something fierce with worry and concern wrinkling her brow. It was Maybelle. "Officer Crenshaw, is ever'thang alright?" she asked catching her breath.
"Yes, ma'am, Ms. Maybelle, everything's just fine," he assured her. "I was just making sure your, ah, niece made it to you with no trouble."
"Oh, thank you, sir," she stated, hugging her beloved niece. "You find it okay?"
"Yes I did, auntie," she assured the woman. "Crenshaw here was doing his duty by making sure I made it to where I belonged." Carmen threw Coop a sideways smile, sharing the joke with him before offering her hand to the woman. "Now, let's not keep him from his duties, auntie."
Maybelle nodded taking the lady's hand and walking off back to the coffee shop. The old woman glanced back to see the officer still watching her niece. Maybelle liked the boy. He wasn't like the other white officers of the town. He treated them fair and kind. She could always count on Coop to be there to make sure everyone was alright and that she got home safe from locking up the shop. However, she prayed the look in his eyes wasn't what she thought it was. "Uh-oh, I think you may have gotten Coopy's attention," she warned her niece, who glanced back at the man.
"I thought your white boy's had an aversion to chocolate?" Carmen said, glancing back briefly at the man.
"He's a special one," Maybelle answered with a shake of her head. "I think somewhere in his heart he got a little chocolate in him. He comes into the coffee shop at least once or twice a day to 'check' on me. I know he's looking for the latest Supremes' record and a piece of my pecan pie. It's the best in the county."
Carmen giggled with her aunt before returning her gaze to the officer standing in the middle of the street. So, white boy liked the Supremes, huh? she thought wistfully. Their gazes met again and electrified the air. He had certainly caught her eye, but knowing how things were in these parts, Carmen knew she'd have no shot. Too bad. Too, too bad. She would've liked to have a taste.
The next day Cooper was enjoying his day off at the lake fishing. His mind, however, wasn't completely on the fish, but a certain lil' lady. Since meeting his Caramel Carmen, yesterday, he had fantasized about her all night. Her eyes, her lips, her skin haunted his thoughts. His cock had been at attention the whole night leaving him restless. God, she was a beauty; his own Hollywood movie siren. He inhaled deeply trying to quell the desire pumping through his veins, fueling his johnson. Shaking his head, he cast his reel into the lake. The last thing he wanted to do was court trouble. But he couldn't deny she was making an impression on him. Last evening, he even tried to catch her over at Ma Maybelle's, but had been informed by Clara the waitress that she and her aunt had gone back to Maybelle's for family dinner with Carl, Maybelle's husband.
Coop had decided just as well. The last thing he needed was to court trouble. But still, he couldn't help himself and decided that morning to stop over at Maybelle's to 'check on things' and to see how Carmen had settled in; only to learn from Maybelle herself that her niece was sleeping in and wouldn't be by until later on. Just as well, the last thing he needed was to court trouble. Coop checked his watch and could see that noon was an hour away. Maybe she was heading over to Maybelle's now. Shaking his head with a smirk, he chastised himself for acting like a school boy with a crush. Suddenly, something caught his eye from across the pond.
He didn't have to look twice to know who it was. Today, she wore a short, yellow linen shirt with a stark white, button down, short sleeve blouse. Her feet were bare as she paddled down the dock. Her long hair was pulled back into a lush ponytail. The same sunglasses from yesterday hid her eyes, but those lips. Damn, those lips were still on display. Coop just stared at her, his fishing rod nearly falling out of his hand as he stood barefoot near the banks. He had donned a pair of beat up jeans, which he had rolled up mid calf to wade into the pond, and a fresh, short sleeved navy blue crew neck shirt. The color brought out the gold highlights of his hair and the blue of his eyes.
Once again, as if she knew someone was watching, Carmen glanced up and spotted Coop across the way. She smiled cheerfully, raising a delicate limb to wave coyly at him before returning her gaze to the book. He mimicked the same motion unconsciously, spellbound by her radiance. The sun was hitting her just right and he could make out the faintest outline of her white bikini top beneath the shirt. Staring closer, he made out two faint bumps on her breasts indicating the location of her nipples. Lord, have mercy, he was smitten and aroused. Inhaling deeply, he tried once again to control his desire for her, but he was loosing. Grabbing his pole and tackle, he marched over to the other side of lake.
Carmen sat on the dock edge with her feet dangling in the water. Her legs were slender, but at the same time full of muscle. Coop's eyes followed the full length of her from her pink painted toes to the nape of her long neck. Setting his pole and tackle down on the dock he approached Carmen, who was engrossed in her book and not paying much attention to anything else. He had stuck his hands in his pockets hoping to minimize the appearance of his lil' traitor.
After a shy moment, he finally opened his mouth to say, "Hi, Carmen." Not expecting the girl to shriek in surprise and fall into the water. Reacting on his police instinct, he dove in after her.
Seconds later, Carmen came up sputtering out of the water, followed by Coop who had immediately latched onto her waist. Once she felt secure in his arms, she grasped his shoulders to catch a breath and keep afloat. She felt him touch her cheek gently. "You all right?" he asked, searching her eyes.
She inhaled and exhaled slowly before answering, "I think so." Then in the same instant, she hit him on the shoulder scolding, "You shouldn't sneak up on a girl like that."
"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me coming," he apologized lamely, dragging her to the dock.
"Oh, wait, my book," she said reaching for the soaked literature floating out toward the center of the lake. Coop made sure she had a hold of the dock leg before swimming out to grab her book. Carmen watched as his strong arms dove in and out of the water smoothly. She also had a view of his backside plastered in those jeans. Her breath caught in her throat and caused her nethers to constrict. As Coop swam back to her, he tossed the book on the dock before reaching out for her to take his hand. Carmen looked at the offered hand then the man.
Oh no, this was getting too close to the fire, Carmen thought, feeling her heat pool around her leg. He had been the very reason she had been so distracted. When she'd seen him earlier she had to force herself to look away. She vowed to keep her focus on her book not the cutie from across the way. But while she had tried doing that she still had found herself really focused on him. Last night, she had gone to bed thinking about her officer man. His blue eyes kept hounding her. They were sweet and imploring, making her insides melt. Her tongue slowly moistened her lips drawing his eyes to her mouth, then back up. Almost as if she had read his mind, Carmen jumped into his waiting embrace and kissed him passionately. Coop was awed by her brazenness, but quickly recovered and responded to her by wrapping his hands around her.
Her tongue licked his tentatively, tasting the smooth texture. "Mmm, just like vanilla," she sighed breathlessly against his lips.
Coop was mesmerized by her husky voice. It cast a spell on him and his body. He took hold of the nape of her neck and drew her back in for a kiss. Mimicking her motion, he too tasted her. "Just like I thought, caramel," he smiled against her mouth.
Carmen laughed merrily as she wrapped her arms about his neck. "I take it your not opposed," she stated sensuously rubbing her breast against his chest.
"No ma'am," he assured her drawing her closer to his body.
"I must be quite a sight," she said running a hand over her head to wring out her ponytail. "Something equivalent to a water rat."
"I ain't ever seen a water rat that looked this good," he joked.
Carmen giggled sheepishly before replying, "Thank you... I think."
Two red splotches popped on his cheek over his blunder, but Carmen smoothed them away with her hand. "I'm never this forward, but there's something about you, Vanilla," she admitted, running her fingers along his jawline.
He swallowed the lump in his throat as he processed her words. "What?" he asked.
"You're different then the others around here," she stated. "You look like a man who wants to see the world through a different pair of shades."
"How so?" he asked.
"For one thing, you're not shy about kissing me openly, which leads me to believe you don't follow the practices of your upbringing," she pointed out.
Coop smiled slowly before answering, "Maybe to me beauty don't have a color code."
Carmen giggled, placing a kiss on his lips. "And I fit with your image of beauty?" she implored running a finger over his chest.
"Oh, yeah, you sure do," he exhaled drawing her in for another deep kiss.
After a long minute of exploring each others' mouths, Carmen whispered against his lips, "We better get out of this water before we wrinkle to death."
"Oh God, I'm so sorry," Coop apologized before lifting her onto the docks, then swiftly followed after her. "I'll get you back to Maybelle's," he offered shuffling passed her as if coming to his senses.
Carmen grabbed his hand, halting his motion. "I don't need to go back to Maybelle's. You got anyplace quiet, Vanilla?" she asked, desire dripping from her voice.
Coop swallowed again. Despite the chill from the dunk he took, his body was overheating from the sensuous looks coming from Carmen's eyes. His dick was boring a hole in his tightening jeans and his breathing was getting short. She wanted him, which was obvious by the way she raked her eyes over him, and he had to admit he wanted her, too. His lake house wasn't too far from the docks. He had inherited it from his grandpa not too long ago. Since he had only just moved there, he wouldn't be disturbed by pesky visitors. He looked in the direction of the path, then Carmen. Taking her hand, he dragged her along with him.
As they walked a mossy path, Carmen studied the large wooden cabin coming up in front of them. It was gorgeous and well built, with a porch on the second floor that overlooked the trees to the lake. Coop dumped his fishing gear by the stoop, then quickly opened the door. Turning back, he invited her in. Carmen knew she was taking a big risk coming here, but something told her it was safe. Looking back at her Vanilla, she could tell he was trying hard to be a gentleman, despite situation.
Coop closed the door and stood watching Carmen. She peeled her hair out of ponytail and rang her hair out in the nearby sink, which prompted him to retrieve a towel from the rack. She graciously took it to dry her hands. While she did, Coop began to peel out of his wet shirt, exposing his muscular chest to Carmen, who stood mesmerized. Dropping the towel, she quickly sauntered to where he was and began touching his skin. He looked down at her, studying her studying him. His breath was ragged as he watched her caress every inch of his chest with keen interest. Then he inhaled deeply when her lips touched his peck gently. They were soft and fluttery as they traced a path from one peck to the other. Her tongue then retraced the same steps, licking up the moisture running in rivulets down his body.
Wanting to feel more of her against him, Coop circled his strong arms around her slowly. God, she was so soft. His fingers unlaced the tie for her skirt and let it drop to the floor in a wet heap. Glancing down he saw that she indeed was wearing a white string bikini bottom. Pulling back further, he slowly undid the buttons of her shirt, which was plastered to her body like a second skin outlining the matching bikini top. It too joined the skirt in the growing pile. He stared at her framework in complete admiration. Her hips were full, but trim and her breasts high. He wanted to lick every droplet off her, jealous that they were that close to her.
His fingers reached out and touched her flat stomach, causing it to retract as if burned. He looked into her eyes and could see the desire building up by the second. Carmen reached behind her neck and unlaced the bikini top, unleashing to his eyes her beautiful bounty. They rose and fell with each ragged breath, keeping him hypnotized like a snake listening to the chant of a charmer. Her nipples were a dusky beige, but quickly darkened into hard little nubs under his scrutiny. Fascinated, Coop drew closer placing his mouth on one to suckle deeply.
Carmen moaned with pleasure as felt his tongue flick and titillate her bosom. Then he quickly sought the other breast, treating it to much of the same. His hands then sandwich the twin mounds together so that he could enjoy both at the same time. Carmen was twisting in pleasure as his hot tongue devoured her. She drew his mouth back to hers and began to drink from him. Her tongue did a good job of sipping every corner of his mouth feeling the ridge of his jaw to the enamel of his teeth.
She pulled away to sample his jawline and neck and found herself enthralled by his protruding Adam's Apple. She rolled it over her tongue like she was licking a jawbreaker. Then she maneuvered over his shoulders and gently bite down on the flesh there, causing Coop to inhale sharply from the sting. Pulling away, she eyed her work and was pleased by the love mark she had left. She was branding him hers.
"Sorry, Vanilla," she apologized rubbing the spot. "I didn't mean to burn you."
"I can take whatever fire you throw at me, Caramel," he assured her as his fingers unlaced the sides of her bikini bottom. Stepping back, he looked down at her in all her splendor. The pressure had become unbearable. His cock was now throbbing at a heart stopping pace begging for release from its confines. Coop reach for the buttons, only to have Carmen usurp the task. Never breaking their gaze, she swiftly and carefully unzipped his jeans, allowing his member to fall right into her welcoming hands.
Coop gasped at the feel of her warm skin against his member. The gentleness and care she took with it as she moved it from hand to hand. A hungry gleam fell across her eyes as she licked her lips. He was so big, bigger than she had anticipated. She could feel the veins pulsing with hot blood against her palms. Studying his dick, she made note that the rich vanilla color extended down even to this part of him, with hues of pink along the edges. She wanted to taste him - bad.
She looked into his eyes searching for how experienced he was, then asked seductively, "Vanilla, have you ever been tasted before?"
"Depends on where you're talking about," he stated breathlessly.
She squeezed her hand around his cock indicating the exact location. This made breathing even more difficult, so much so that all Coop could do was shake his head in response. Liking that answer, Carmen fell to her knees before his member and swiftly took it into her mouth. The motion started slow as she measured and tasted his manly spice. He smelled like fresh soap with the faintest hint of his man essence. Her lips could feel the ridges of his dick as it drew in and out over her tongue. She felt his fingers intertwine within the strands of her hair, guiding her head as his hips took up the rhythm as well.
"Carmen," he whispered her name huskily. "God that feels so good."
Coop was caught in a the most unbelievable rage of desire. Never in all his twenty-four years had a woman tasted him this way. The feel of her lips and her cheeks squeezing and sucking him was more than he could stand. He watched as Carmen worked her magic on him like some voodoo sex priestess. His body was reacting to her as if she was the only woman he would ever share this kind of intimacy with. Feeling the stirrings of a climax coming, Coop dragged Carmen up from the floor and began to kiss her with all the passion and need he was feeling right then.
Suddenly, something inside of him wanted to taste her just as she had tasted him. Lifting her onto the counter, he drew her hips up to his waiting lips. His eyes studied the flower before him, drenched in a slick dew begging to be sipped. The folds were contracting as if beckoning him to kiss them and just above them was a small nub pushing against the hood seeking his attention. Coop looked up at Carmen, whose eyes were a curtain of desire and raw need, and lowered his mouth to her garden. Carmen's head fell back in pleasure as soon as his lips met his target. He was gentle as he licked the nub sweetly causing moan on top of moan to sing from her lips.
Carmen placed her hand on his head to guide him to her favorite spot. "Yes, Vanilla, right there, flick that tongue right there," she commanded faintly. She was feeling dizzy from the climax that was starting to tingle through her body. Suddenly, Coop had found her spot and a gush of raw passion ooze out of Carmen drenching his tongue in the sweetest liquid he'd ever tasted.
"You taste so good, Caramel," he whispered against her inner thigh, lapping up the stray juices. "But we ain't done, are we? You fixing to teach me something else."
Carmen was trying to control the spasms that shook her legs as well as her breathing. "Oh, you are a good student," she sighed, sitting up. "Let's take this to the bedroom."
Swooping her in his arms he carried her into his bedroom. There, he laid her on her back gently taking her all in as she writhed beneath his eyes. He ran a hand down her middle and settled on the still quivering flesh. Then he pushed his finger inside of her gauging her slickness. She was more than ready for him and he couldn't take much more. Pushing her thigh open with his knee, he lined himself up. His cock pulsed at her entrance, begging to be let in. Coop however wanted to take it easy. He wanted to feel every moment of this. He leaned down and kissed Carmen sweetly before allowing himself into her welcoming depths. He swallowed the moans that sprang from her throat as he continued to thrust deeper and deeper into her core. The heat and the friction were like nothing he'd ever experienced. His dreams hadn't even touched what he was feeling right there with her.
"Uh, Carmel," he growled against her neck. He dug his fingers beneath her hips, pulling her closer to him. Raising up on his knees, he pumped his hips vigorously into her, using his hands to draw her hips in and out
of her soft recess. Carmen grabbed at the sheets as if grabbing for dear life. Her screams of passion echoed his groans. She could feel herself coming and shattering all at once. Coop, feeling her tiny muscles clench him, begging him to follow, made one last final deep thrust inside of her, stretching her with his rod and filling her with his seed as a growl of satisfaction died on his lips.
Spent and trembling, he fell down upon Carmen. After a second to catch his breath, he quickly rolled onto his back dragging her with him so that she covered his body. His hands kneaded her rear mounds possessively, refusing to break the contact. They were both breathless in their abandon taking in the moment they just shared. Something in the air said that this was a moment that needed to happen again and again for their entire lifetime. Coop touched her cheek gently, studying her face with all sincerity, before saying, "Have you ever heard of love at first sight?"
Carmen chuckled giddily at him before placing a kiss on his lips. "Yeah, but this is the first time it's hit me, Vanilla. Maybe we should do this again to be sure."
Coop laughed out loud before drawing his Caramel to him. It was definitely going to be a long hot summer.
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